Arizona and New Mexico Big Game Hunting Unit Overviews
The terrain for each and every big game hunting unit is different. Kill Kings guides have boots on the ground throughout the entire year across both New Mexico and Arizona. Kill Kings guides have expert level knowledge for each of these big game hunting units listed below. Information presented here is a summary level only and your guide will have specific and detailed unit information for your hunt. Search the Kill Kings directory to find a guide that has the unit specific experience you will need to have a great draw hunt.

Arizona Unit 1
Mix of open park meadows, open conifer forest, and large burn scars throughout the unit. Elevation ranges between 7500ft to 9500ft. Mild terrain and plenty of road access, makes Arizona big game hunting unit 1 very easily accessible to hunt.
New Mexico Unit 27
Unit 27 has a very large geographical area and the unit can be broken into 2 parts. On one hand you have hunting area much like unit 1, which has mix of open park meadows, open conifer forest, and large burn scars with good road access. Then on the other hand much of the unit is extremely rough canyon country with forest trail and foot access only. Meaning your physical condition is essential for an enjoyable hunt. Elevations range from 5,000ft – 9,500 ft.
New Mexico

New Mexico Unit 16A
Open ponderosa and conifer forest, large grasslands, as well as parks and meadows on the higher elevations of the unit. Large elevation drops from the open parks to the San Francisco River drainage. With multiple burns throughout the unit.
New Mexico Unit 16 B/22
100% wilderness unit. Foot access, back pack, or horse is the only way to hunt this unit. Forest trail access can be limited due to extensive burns throughout the unit. 16 B/22 elevations range from 5,000 – 10,000ft. Logistically guides and hunters need to prepare themselves months prior to hunting. A solid game plan is imperative for success.
New Mexico Unit 16D
Ponderosa pine, piñon and juniper forests cover most of the landscape of 16 D. Chopped up topography between rolling hills, canyons, and high peak(s) elevation can be found throughout the unit. Plenty of road access, quad trails, and forest trails make 16D very accessible to hunt. Elevations range from 6800ft – 9,600ft.
New Mexico Unit 13
High desert, cedar and pinon trees with some ponderosa pine. Sandstone and flat top mesas alongside small canyon country found throughout the entire unit. Be prepared to cover lots of ground from end to end of the unit.
New Mexico Unit 2B
Sandstone mesas, covered in thick cedar and pinon forests, with sage and brush flats and pockets. Good optics are essential in pursuit of elk and mule deer in this unit. Oil and gas exploration has opened an extensive road networking system throughout the unit. Making vehicle access nice and easy.
New Mexico Unit 2C
Sandstone mesas, covered in thick cedar and pinon forests, with sage and brush flats and pockets. Good optics are essential in pursuit of elk and mule deer in this unit. Oil and gas exploration has opened an extensive road networking system throughout the unit. Making vehicle access nice and easy.
Learn more about the Arizona big game hunting draw process or the New Mexico big game hunting draw process.